Do We Model Our Lives After The Just One?

Friday of the Fourth Week of Lent

Fr. Jim fevorino

1 minute read

Friday Fevorino


Wis. 2:1a, 12-22; Ps. 34; Jn.7:1-2, 10, 25-30

Today’s passage from the Book of Wisdom is a foreshadowing of Jesus’ public life. He is the Just One, who corrects evildoers and exposes their shame. That is why the authorities in Jerusalem were trying to kill him. They did not accept that Jesus was the Christ, God’s anointed. But, they did not lay a hand on him. So, the inhabitants of Jerusalem ask a simple question that ought to stir in our hearts as well. They say, “Could the authorities have realized that he is the Christ?” Might it be possible that Jesus has been getting through to them? If so, that would mean they would have to turn away from their former way of life and follow Jesus. So, will they turn away from their evil deeds, or will their wickedness blind them? During this extra penitential season of Lent, as we hunker down, we might spend some extra time considering our own deeds. Have we been living as followers of Jesus? Do we model our lives after the Just One? Or is he merely a hardship for us?

Given during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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